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Now downloading free:IBM PS2 and IBM PC Product Reference Version 4.0 Apr87

IBM PS2 and IBM PC Product Reference Version 4.0 Apr87 free download

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IBM PERSONAL SVSTEM/2 AND IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER PRODUCT RE.FERENCE.~ . , . VE RS ION 4 i' 0 April 6, 1987 International Business Machines Information Systems Group Workstations Marketing, Department 7W7 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains, New York 10604 The prices stated are for your information only and are subject to change. As of April 6, 1987 iv IB~l PC Reference As of April 6, 1987 PREFACE The prices stated are for your information only and are subj ect to change. IBM's products can only be ordered under the terms and conditions of IBM's ap- plicable agreements. For more information, contact your IBM representative. --- KEY --- A-Z (Upper Case) Items are available on Quantity Discount Agreement A-Z (Lower Case) Items are available on Volume Purchase Agreement # Personally Developed Software (call 1-800-IBM-PCSW to order) $ Vendor-Logo items (no PCAC support, purchase and maintenance by spe- cial bid, in quantities of 20 or more) * Items do not bear the IBM Trademark ** Items are supported through a Technical Support Location N/A Not available. N/C No charge when ordered in reasonable quantities through an IBM Market- ing Representative. PCTB PC Technical Directory publication (call 1-800-IBM-PCTB or your IBM Marketing Representative to order) WID Withdrawn from marketing. Change bars indicate changes since April 2, 1987. Preface v As of April 6, 1987 vi IBM PC Reference As of April 6, 1987 CONTENTS SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL OFFERINGS

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